Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Vegetarian Jerky Fried Rice With Mock Floss

Finally, here the recipe ...

Preparation:     5 mins, Cooking time:  8 mins 

Ingredients (serves 2)
°         200g rice, cooked
°         25g-50g (1-2 slices) vegetarian jerky or Bak Gua, cut into small square
°         25g carrot, cut into small dices
°         1½-2 tablespoons olive oil
°         salt and pepper, to taste
°         2 tablespoons mock floss
°         6-8 kaffir lime leaves, shredded

1.      Heat oil in a non-stick pan over medium heat and stir fry the vegetarian jerky till fragrant.
2.      Throw in the carrot and stir  in the cooked rice and season salt and pepper.
3.      Add in the kaffir lime leaves and fry about 2 minutes or until rice is heated through. Sprinkle with some water if it is too dry.
4.      Top with mock floss and garnish with kaffir lime leaves, vegetarian jerky and serve hot.

Creamy Winter Melon and Carrot Soup

Quite a fun and easy way to serves creamy soup if you do not really like clear soup and want some texture in it. For a light orange color or more creamy colour soup, reduce the amount of carrot (few slices) used and increase the winter melon portion. Have fun, it is all based on individual preferences.

Preparation:     10 mins, Cooking time:  25 mins
Ingredients (serves 2)
°         350g winter melon (weight after peeling), cut into small chunks
°         75g carrot, cut into mall chunks
°         50g shiitake mushroom, sliced 
°         350ml water or vegetable stock
°         1 piece (25g) vegetarian ham, sliced thinly
°         salt and pepper to taste
°         granulated mushroom bouillon (optional), to taste
°         some coriander,  for garnish

1.      Place the winter melon, carrot and water in a pot and bring to a boil. Simmer for 5-8 minutes or until winter melon and carrot are tender.  
2.      Transfer to a blender or food processor and blend until smooth and creamy.
3.      Place the mushrooms, vegetarian ham and soup  puree in a pot and bring to a boil. Season to taste with salt, pepper and granulated mushroom bouillon.
4.      Ladle the soup into individual serving bowls, garnish with fresh coriander leaves and serve.

Saturday, March 06, 2010

Red Bean NianGao with Grated Coconut ...

This is the Red Bean NianGao from Lingzhi Vegetarian Restaurant that I was talking about in my other blog post - Red Bean NianGao and Turnips NianGao

And I followed the tip given by their waitress - Add a pinch of salt to the grated coconut and steamed. Next place the steamed niangao with the grated coconut ... Lovely, I like the new twist to the Traditional NianGao ...