Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Seaweed Roll

S$1 for 1 piece/roll

Just for S$1, you get this much (slightly crispy outer layer after toasting for a longer time )

I like these few lines I read in a book, it says -


The more we pursue sensual pleasures, the more we crave them and chase after distractions. Our dissatisfaction increases and creates mental stress and physical discomfort. Recognize how this happens, and learn to be content with a few necessities. You will be more carefree and joyful. "

So, I try to enjoy the simple meal now and learn to be contented.  Cooking has become very simplified.  I purchased this Seaweed Roll which is made with layer and layer of beancurd skin seasoned with simple ingredients that has  nori sheet in between which costs around S$5 for 5 pieces.

 Instead of deep-frying it, I just placed them in the oven toaster and let it toasted for 10-15 minutes (you are free to do other chores or prepare other dishes). 

You can brush some oil on it or use none, cut it prior to toasting or do it after that, it is all your preference.  It can be a healthy and simple dish to go with plain/brown rice, congee, as snack or finger food.

You can dip it with chilli sauce or mayo or any other sauce you prefer.  You can even choose to wrap it with lettuce too. So just follow your mood, explore and be open to all possibilities and have fun too  ...

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Sesame Tofu Dessert

Quick and Easy dessert! If you prefer a firmer texture, try extracting excess moisture of the tofu by wrapping with a clean tea towel and place a plate on top of the tofu. Leave for about 15 minutes. Sugar is omitted in this recipe as the sesame powder that I used contains sugar.

Preparation:     5 mins
Ingredients (makes 3 cup)
°         1 pack silken tofu (300g)
°         4-5 tablespoons sesame powder
°         mint leaves and sesame seeds (optional), for garnish

1.      Combine the silken tofu and sesame powder in a blender and blend until smooth and creamy. 
2.      Garnish with mint leaves and sesame seeds. Serve chilled.

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Quick Dumpling 'N' Noodle Soup

Cooking for ONE can be Simple and Easy. Crave for some soupy noodle, just whip this just like cooking a bowl of instant noodle!

While volunteering at the VSS Exhibition @ KMSPKS lately, it was amazing meeting people from different walks of life via the exchange of a sincere beautiful smile and a nod and VSS flyers or just intriguing small talks. Every contact is a unique and beautiful experience which I treasure. By embracing the differences we have, it leads to more discoveries which I believe the benefit is beyond our sight.

A gentleman (semi-veg*n, who have successfully go meatless for 49 days in one go, on yearly basis, personally I think with given opportunities and unleashing the inner potential,he would could have gone far beyond ...) has honestly told me that going vegetarian on a daily basis in long term is difficult because no good vegetarian eateries at his area and mock meat dishes are strongly been emphasis could drive away the enthusiasm on Going Green. Yes, he is right, I do find that that the standard of Vegetarian Restaurants raised very fast and high but the standard of the some normal Vegetarian Eateries in coffee shop or food court dropped.  This could be a temporary phenomenon.

Anyway, I do appreciate whatever input I got and will hold these questions in my mind, let the subconscious work with them while I am on another QUEST. Hope to discover their magic via questioning [not answers], which are I think is essential for unlocking the creativity.  

So, I should be creating more "Go Solo, Dine Solo" home-style cooking recipes with real simple ingredients just like this, when I have the time ...

Preparation:     10 mins Cooking time: 10 mins
Ingredients (serves 1)
°         100g Sanuki Udon
°         few slices carrot
°         1 piece Chinese cabbage/ wok bak  
°         6 fresh beans
°         3-4 instant vegetarian dumplings
°         400ml water
°         salt and pepper, to taste
°         granulated mushroom bouillon (optional), to taste
°         some shredded nori and roasted sesame seeds, for garnish

1.    Place udon, cabbage and water in a pot and bring to a boil and simmer 5 minutes.
2.    Add in vegetarian dumplings, carrot  and fresh bean and bring to a boil. Season with salt, pepper and granulated mushroom bouillon.
3.    Garnish with shredded nori and sesame seeds. Serve with a small plate of sliced red chilli with light soy sauce. 

Quick Bitter Gourd 'N' Tofu Noodle Soup

Cooking for ONE can be simple, easy and yet nutritious too!

Preparation:     10 mins Cooking time: 10 mins
Ingredients (serves 1)
°         50g bean vermicelli
°         50g bitter gourd, sliced
°         1 tomato, cut into quarters
°         1/4 pack silken tofu
°         few slices carrot
°         few vegetarian mushroom
°         2 slices deep-fried beancurd skin (optional)
°         375ml water
°         salt and pepper, to taste
°         granulated mushroom bouillon (optional), to taste

1.    Place bean vermicelli and water in a pot and bring to a boil and simmer 3-5 minutes.
2.    Add in bitter gourd, tomato, tofu, carrot, vegetarian mushroom and beancurd skin and bring to a boil. Season with salt, pepper and granulated mushroom bouillon.
3.    Serve with a small plate of sliced red chilli with light soy sauce. 

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Vegetarian Zha Jiang Inaka Soba

A bowl of simple homemade Zha Jiang for noodle! Replace with your own prefer noodle such as sanuki udon, if desired. Top with shredded carrot or cucumber, if the ingredients are available.

Preparation:    15 mins Cooking time:    8 mins

Ingredients (serves 2)
°         200g inaka soba, cooked
°         1 can mock meat in mushroom sauce (brand: cixin vegetarian)
°         125g tempeh, cut into mini cubes
°         75g firm tofu, pat dry and scrambled
°         2½ olive oil
°         5-6 tablespoons water
°         some coriander leaves, sliced chilli and sesame seeds (optional), for garnish

1.    Heat the oil in a wok. Throw in the tempeh and stir-fry for 2 minutes.
2.    Add in scrambled tofu and fry until rather dry.  Pour in mock meat in mushroom sauce and stir-fry for 1 minute.
3.    To serve, divide soba between serving plates. Ladle the Zha Jiang sauce on the individual serving plates. Garnish with coriander leaves, chilli, sesame seeds and serve.