Monday, May 15, 2006

Bandung (Rose Syrup Milk Drink)

Preparation: 5 mins

Ingredients (makes 1 cup)
° 60ml rose syrup
° 60ml water, cold
° 120ml unsweetened soy milk

1. Combine all the ingredients in a cup and mix well. Pour over iced filled glasses or refrigerate.

1. To make more, just mix 1 part of rose syrup, 1 part of water and 2 parts of unsweetened soy milk.


  1. Nice blog :) ur bandung post is making me thirsty. Does Bandung taste good with a soymilk substitute?

  2. Hi Dreamy,
    Not bad. Need to pick the right type of soymilk (those that is not so strong with soy bean taste) :)

    Another way is to increase the rose syrup and reduce the amount of soy milk.

    Soy milk with Bo Bo Cha Cha, ha, I tried that, that is a total different thing.

  3. Soy milk with bobo chacha, hmm was it good? usually they used coconut milk?

  4. Yeah, usu with coconut milk. With soy milk, it is different - the soy milk taste. Not sure whether other like it or not :p

  5. I thought it was made with some condensed milk? But that's probably too sweet for me now!Thanks for posting the recipe.
