Monday, July 09, 2007

Vegan Mayonnaise

There are all sorts of different and wonderful vegan mayonnaise recipes. This is just one way to whip up a healthy version vegan mayonnaise which reduced greatly on the usage of oil and yet real simple.
Preparation: 5 mins, plus 15-30 mins standing time

Ingredients (makes 250g±)
° 1 pack (300g) silken tofu
° ½-1 teaspoon mustard, or to taste
° ½ teaspoon salt, or to taste
° ½ teaspoon sugar, or to taste
° ½-1 teaspoon apple vinegar or lemon juice, or to taste
° 1 teaspoon non-dairy margarine or olive oil

1. To extract excess moisture of the tofu for a creamier mayonnaise, wrap with a clean tea towel and place a plate on top of the tofu. Leave for about 15-30 minutes. Remove tofu from the towel.
2. Combine all the ingredients in a blender or food processor and blend until smooth and creamy. Taste it, add more mustard, salt, sugar, vinegar or margarine, if necessary and blend to mix well.


  1. The tofu is very soft, it won't crush with the plate right?

    Just an additional note.. not all dairy-free margarines are vegan (in case your visitors do not know :)).

  2. Hi Dreamy

    Surprise :) it won't. I like to wrap it with a piece of disposal kitchen towel, then with a clean towel. Place a plate or two on top, soon the towel will get wet and tofu intact.

    Interested to try this experiment when you are cooking silken tofu next time round?

    Homemade mayo is usu. have a runny texture, by doing this is to remove as much moist as possible.

    Overlook on the margarine part :0, i tot that vegans would already know which type of vegan margarine to use :p

  3. When I buy silken tofu next time yes I intend to try the mayonnaise! I am just afraid that since silken is like a "cold" food it may cause gas.

    hehe.. maybe not for new vegans :) I can make mistakes too.

  4. Hi Dreamy,

    Right, some can't really take too much cold food (just like me, i like hot and spicy stuff). I feel "funny" when i don't have a warm meal. So, being a fruitian is out of question for me! Blame it on the nature of my body, oops!

    I intend to post something related to vegan substitues and so on, can add that in.

  5. you are not alone! I prefer warm foods too I can never be a fruitarian as well unless the fruits are cooked... but still I am a big fan a green leafy veggies so I guess vegan's the limit.. (at least for now) :)
