Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Baby Meal: Creamy Vegetable Puree

This recipe is improvised from the creamy vegetable soup recipe and I just reduced the amount of ingredients used and minus away the margarine, salt and pepper. There is no need to add any sugar or salt to baby meal. This is a real tasty meal, all the flavour and sweetness come from various vegetables used here.

Broccoli & Cauliflower: A rich and good source of potassium, beta-carotene, iron and contain vitamins C.
Carrot: A good source of beta-carotene and contain vitamins C and E.
Onions & Leeks: Anti-bacterial, anit-viral and anti fungal, contains vitamins C, folic acid and potassium.
Potato: A good source vitamins C, fibre, some potassium, folic acid, iron and protein.

Preparation: 10 mins, Cooking time: 15 mins

Ingredients (serves 1)
° 50g cauliflower florets
° 50g potato, peeled and diced
° 25g white leek (white portion), trimmed
° 25g onion or carrot, diced
° 25g broccoli florets
° 180ml water

1. Place the cauliflower, potato, leek, onion and water in a pot. Bring to a boil and simmer for 10-15 minutes or until all the vegetables are tender. Add the broccoli and cook for 1 minute.
2. Transfer to a blender or food processor and blend until smooth and creamy.
3. Serve warm.


  1. wow! thanks for this recipe! I'm going to try this now! :-) I didn't know babies can take onions...

  2. I just tried this! I find that the portion is quite a lot, so I proportion into 3 small servings, 2 of which I put in freezer.

    My baby loves it and finished it all pretty fast! :-)

    I was initially worried that the onions & leek would be too much for her, but it seems alright.

    I didn't have cauliflower at home so I skipped that. Perhaps with that, it'll taste even heavenly! haha

  3. Thank you very much :D Great to hear from you.

    Haha..., yes, the portion wise, I couldn't really gauge well now, no Baby at home to test out. That's also one of the reasons I didn't create much BB recipes.

    Onions, it depends on individual whether to include onions or garlic in the vegetarian diet and also how each individual can take it :) I added 1 small clove of garlic to my Baby's Congee when my boy was a BB. He was ok with the taste and the ingredient.

    Have a lovely Sunday.

    Cheers :)
