Monday, August 27, 2007

Honeydew Sago Dessert

This is an easily made party dessert.

Preparation: 10 mins, Cooking time: 15 mins

Ingredients (serves 4-5)
° 300g honeydew (weight after peeling), cut into small cubes
° 75g sago pearls, rinse and soaked with plenty of water for 15mins, drained
° 750ml water
° 250ml coconut milk
° 100g sugar, or to taste

1. Combine the sugar, water and bring to a boil. Stir in sago pearls and simmer for 5-6 minutes or until sago pearls are almost translucent with just a barest white fleck in the centre.
2. Stir in the coconut milk and bring to a boil. Off the fire and leaves it to cool. Add in the honeydew.
3. Ladle the dessert into individual serving bowls and serve chilled with ice.


  1. Hi Crystal,
    After reading your blog I get so interested in vegetarian recipes & in creating a blog to share.
    May i know if you have any recipe for Funori (Bird's nest of the sea)?
    Pls refer to
    I believe with your creativity, you wld be able to come up with more innovative dishes for Funori

  2. Hi Sunny

    Great, you created a blog to share, the more the merrier and we will have more ways and good coverage to whip up yummy vegetarian food.

    Funori - something new to me. Good stuff :)

