Thursday, November 29, 2007

Spicy Kacang Puteh (Chickpeas)

Was soaking some chickpeas for making Dhal, i used some to try out the suggestion given by Veganic in Vegetarian Society Forum on Chickpeas. I toasted them in the toaster oven. You may want to turn them to prevent them for burning, if necessary. Well, it is perfectly simple and taste yummy.

Preparation: 3 mins, Cooking time: 15 mins

Ingredients (serves 1)
° 50g chickpeas
° 200ml water
° ¾ teaspoon curry powder, or to taste
° sea salt to taste
° 1-1½ teaspoons olive oil

1. Soak the chickpeas with 400ml of water for 12 hours or more or overnight. Drain and rinse well.
2. Place the chickpeas, curry powder, salt and oil in a bowl. Mix well.
3. Spread out on a baking tray and toast for 15 minutes.
4. Serve immediately.


  1. The tortise look like it's going to eat the chickpeas cute :)

    I don't really like dhal in curry, i think chickpea is better, but my mum doesn't like chickpeas :)

    Haven't eaten kacang puteh for sometime, it's really tempting looking at ur kacang puteh..

  2. Thanks Dreamy. I haven't eaten kacang puteh for sometime too, until that day when i try this :)

  3. I would like to try out this recipe. May i know at what temp. did you roast the chickpeas?


  4. Hi Delia

    Oops, as I am using the Toaster Oven, I don't need to control the temperature and I don't know what temperature to set.

    Maybe, you can test it out using small amount.

    Have a good day.
    Cheers :)
