Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Tricoloured Fried Rice

Tricoloured Fried Rice

Tricoloured Fried Rice (Mixed)
I actually plan to do up this recipe for kids that do not like vegetables or are slow eaters. Just blend the vegetables (celery, carrot and mushroom) individually and fry them with the steamed/cooked rice. You can serve them as separate mounds or mix them together to get lovely colourful fried rice. As the vegetables are all blended, it is not that visible, so kids might not easily recognize it. Garnish with some toasted nori and sesame seeds to make it more nutritious. Add some baked or toasted onion rings or French fries to make it more appealing to little kids, if desired. By the way, this rice is yummy and is not just for the kids, can be for adults too.

Preparation: 10 mins, Cooking time: 10 mins

Ingredients (serves 2)
° 200g rice, cooked or steamed and divided into 3 portions
° 100g carrot, peeled, chopped and blended
° 100g shiitake mushrooms, chopped and blended
° 200g celery, trimmed, chopped and blended
° 3 slices ginger or cloves garlic (optional), finely chopped
° 1½ -3 tablespoons olive oil
° salt and pepper, to taste
° roasted sesame seeds (optional), for garnish
° 1-2 roasted nori sheet (optional), shredded for garnish


Green Coloured Rice
1. Heat ½-1 tablespoon oil in a non-stick pan over medium heat. Stir fry the ginger or garlic until fragrant.
2. Throw in the celery and stir fry for 1 minute. Stir in the cooked rice and season with salt and pepper. Fry about 1-2 minutes or until rice is heated through. Sprinkle with some water if it is too dry. Set aside.

Orange Coloured Rice
3. Heat ½-1 tablespoon oil in a non-stick pan over medium heat. Stir fry the ginger or garlic until fragrant.
4. Throw in the carrot and stir fry for 1 minute. Stir in the cooked rice and season with salt and pepper. Fry about 1-2 minutes or until rice is heated through. Sprinkle with some water if it is too dry. Set aside.

Dark Brown Coloured Rice
5. Heat ½-1 tablespoon oil in a non-stick pan over medium heat. Stir fry the ginger or garlic until fragrant.
6. Throw in the mushroom and stir fry for 1 minute. Stir in the cooked rice and season with salt and pepper. Fry about 1-2 minutes or until rice is heated through. Sprinkle with some water if it is too dry. Set aside

7. Place some toasted nori on each individual serving plate. Mix the tricoloured rice well, if desired. Scoop the different coloured rice onto the plate. Sprinkle some sesame seeds and serve hot.

1. Rice for frying must be cooked at least 2 hours in advance or the night before.


  1. Hey Crystal, have u ever thought of opening a cafe or smth? your dishes are good!

  2. Thanks Dreamy,

    Ha...ha..., too much work for the lazy me! I love freedom, so i don't think i can open a cafe.

    Cheers :)

  3. Hi Crystal, what kind of rice do you use for this recipe? Is it the Jasmine rice we usually eat, or the more sticky Japanese rice? I would like to make these lovely Tricoloured Rice for my toddler :)

  4. Hi Gina

    The Jasmine rice :) But Sicky Japanese rice is also a good choice if kids love it.

    Recently, i have ginseng fried rice using short-grain rice (sticky) but it tastes yummy.

    Have a look at the picture @

    cheers :)

  5. Hi Born on the Kitchen Table,

    Thank you very much. It is seaweed, those seaweed that used in Japanese Sushi. I toast the seaweed (nori) and then cut into strip as I didn't stock up those ready-made one.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Cheers :)
