Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Toasted Tofu with Breadcrumbs

I found this recipe at Chow Vegan’s Blog - Crispy Baked Tofu and was so tempted to try it. This is another easy way to cook tofu, if you do not like deep-fried tofu. I did it with some variation and toasted it in the toaster oven. As this is a vegan recipe, I omit egg and replace with batter to ‘hold’ the breadcrumbs. Marinate the tofu with spice salt or curry powder or seasoning, if desired. I added some oil in the batter and breadcrumbs, as I do not have any oil spray. Take a look at Chow Vegan's Crispy Baked Tofu.

Preparation: 5 mins, Cooking time: 15 mins

Ingredients (makes 6)
° 1 small firm tofu, pat dried and cut into six slices
° 25g breadcrumbs
° 1½ teaspoons olive oil
° 1/3 teaspoon spice salt
° 1 teaspoon self-raising flour
° 1 tablespoon water


1. Combine breadcrumbs, 1 teaspoon of olive oil, ¼ teaspoon of spice salt a bowl, and mix well. Set aside.
2. Combine flour, water, ½ teaspoon of olive oil, and pinch of spice salt. Mix well to form the batter.
3. Spread the batter evenly on the tofu slices and coated well with breadcrumbs.
4. Grease a baking tray with oil and place the tofu slices on it. Toast or baked for 15 minutes or until it is golden yellow. Turn them over halfway.
5. Serve hot with chilli sauce or dipping sauce.


  1. Wow! Yours came out great! That's incredible that you do your baking in the toaster oven! Excellent job!

  2. Ha..ha..ha..., i don't have oven, that's my alternative. :)


  3. Hmm, like "Fish" fillet.
    Is the type of tofu used those squarish Wu Xiang Tofu? I presume you sliced into 3 pieces if that is the right type of tofu?
    Vegetarian food is getting more interesting & creative.
    That's great!!!

  4. Hi anonymous,

    Oh, i used the normal square firm tofu (the small one @ 30cents per pcs), slice into 6 slices.

    I think Wu Xiang Tofu would be another good choice, no need to season. Must try :)

