Thursday, March 06, 2008

Vegetarian Soya Meat Roll

I bought this product from one of the supermarkets. It even has a “Healthier Choice" Logo from Health Promotion Board.

The ingredients are soya bean curd skin, yam, soya meat vegetables, salt, sugar, sesame oil.

The suggested method on the packaging is to cut and steam. What I did was, I thawed and toasted in my oven toaster. After that I use a pair of scissor to cut into small sections. Dip it with chilli sauce or sweet soy sauce or maybe vegetarian mayo cream, it is delicious. If you prefer, you may even wrapped it with lettuce leaves and go with some dipping sauce.

So simple and easy!


  1. that looks great, what brand are those?

  2. Hey crystal, I know I have said many times... but you really should do a veg cookbook! oh and btw, can u place less posts per page? It took my slow computer a long time to load the page haha...

  3. Hi Electrik

    Oh, it is written in Chinese - Ren Xin, packed by Jia Jia Wang Trading.

    Cheers :)

  4. Hi Dreamy

    I know :) I know :) Cookbook thingy, I think putting in the blog, is more accessible to anyone who like it, at no cost.

    Ok, once i settle the labelling (currently, i face some missing posts in the label), i will reduce the number of the posts per page, the pictures is causing the slow loading time. sorry :), the whole blog is getting too big, i can't manage the hardcopy now.


  5. Hi Crystal,
    Generally, my digital camera's picture is close to 1MB so I will import in photoshop & save as another copy with smaller image size eg. level 1 & it actually reduce to around 100KB, level 3 to around 300KB etc.
    I think it still look pretty alright as small pictures in blog.
    You can try for future posts.
    Cheers, Sunny:-)

  6. Hi Crystal,

    Which supermarket you bought this?


  7. Hi Sunny, Thanks :)


    Hi Summer,
    I got from Shop n Save, not sure whether all Shop n Save carry this stock or not. Sheng Siong, does carry some mock stuff, don't know whether they have it.

    The vegetarian shops/stalls another venue to check out.

    Cheers :)

  8. Hi Crystal,
    I just found a nice brand of Belachan chilli ($2.60)produced by Kian Joo Vegn Food Supply Centre (from spore). Spicy enough & not too saltish as most brands.
    I got it from retail store at Buddhist Lodge but I believe it shd be available in most vegn stores.
    It will go well with your vegn meat roll:-)
    Cheers, Sunny:-)

  9. Sunny, Sunny,

    Thanks so much. You know i quite lost confident in buying veg. belcan chilli paste, after 2 not so nice one. Still sitting in my refrigerator.

    You put that in your blog with picture?

    Have a lovely week.

    Cheers :)

  10. Chinese recipe, I can't really trust. It may not be fully veggies.

  11. Great you like it :) May a brilliant weekend ahead!
