Monday, April 14, 2008

Vegetarian Ham with Enoki

This is incredibly simple and easy dish. Just place some enkoi mushroom on a piece of vegetarian ham and roll up. Secure with spring onion or a toothpick. Next brush some olive oil on it and toasted them in the Toaster Oven for 10 mins or just bake or grill them.

If you are not a fan of mock meat, just use the vegetarian ham moderately by cutting the vegetarian into 3 portions. If you prefer them raw, just thaw the vegetarian ham and roll up with enoki mushroom, secure them and that’s!


  1. That is pretty incredible looking vegetarian ham. We can get it here, but it is in 1 lb. packages and frozen. There is a Canadian bacon, made by Yves, which is very good. I may try that for this recipe. Thanks again for your site.

  2. Fresh from the source, You are always welcome :)

    Good to know that Yves produces veg. bacon. I just went to check out Yves website, wow, quite a lot of choices and the veggie bacon look good, with zinc, B12 etc.

    The one that I got is from Taiwan (, 10 pcs per pack (250g). The website didn't show any product, too bad.

    Besides using enoki, asparagus can be used too.

    cheers :)

  3. Hi crystal,

    You mean u bought the bacon from the oversea website? What is the shipping charges?


  4. Looks good and so simple! Enoki and asparagus sounds good together. Lightlife also makes a veggie ham that's very good. :-)

  5. Hi, do you know how to make the potato fillings in "chicken pie"?

    Your veg recipes are excellent.

    Thank you.


  6. Hi Summer,

    The product is from Taiwan, but the vegetarian shop near my place carry stock, so no shipping cost.

    Cheers :)

  7. Hi Anonymous

    Thank you :)

    I don't know yet! When I can get hold of a vegetarian chicken pie, I will try to figure it out. If I am able to, I will post in the blog.

    Cheers :)

  8. Enoki? cook or eat raw :) personal preference.

    Cheers :)
