Friday, December 19, 2008

“No Gongfu” Noodle

Gongfu (Chinese 功夫 ) means long, hard and skilful work. As the title suggests, the “No Gongfu noodle” needs ry little work, and requires absolutely no skill at all! This recipe does not need any stir-frying, so any kid can just whip up this dish and impress their friends/ parents, plus you don’t have spend so much time in cleaning up the kitchen.

You don’t have to worry about not having enough oil for the stir-fry, broccoli not cooked or not acting fast enough to ensure the noodle doesn’t stick to the wok. Relating yet again to the title “No Gongfu Noodle”. You can even omit the heating of the garlic or ginger in oil and replace with just olive oil, if desired. The reason for heating the garlic or ginger in oil is to have some aroma to the noodle.

Preparation: 10 mins, Cooking time: 10 mins

Ingredients (serves 2)
° 250g broccoli florets
° 25g carrot, peeled and shredded
° 400g fresh cooked noodle
° 1 litre water
° 1 tablespoon olive oil
° 1 clove garlic or 1 slice ginger
° some spring onion or coriander leaves for garnish

° 2 tablespoons vegetarian oyster sauce, or to taste
° 4 tablespoons light soy sauce, or to taste
° 1 teaspoon sesame oil (optional)


1. Combine all seasoning ingredients in a bowl and mix well. Set aside.
2. Place water in a pot and bring to a boil. Blanch the broccoli florets for ½ minute. Drain well and set aside.
3. Bring the pot of water to boil again. Blanch the fresh cooked noodles for 2-3 minutes. Drain well and set aside.
4. Heat oil in a wok. Fry the garlic or ginger for half a minute or until fragrant. Off heat.
5. Throw in the carrot, noodle, broccoli and seasoning. Toss well.
6. Garnish with spring onion or coriander leaves and serve immediately.


  1. This picture reminds me of my old days of Home-Economics dishes on fried noodles.:-)

  2. My home econ days - was curry chicken, rock buns and the rest I can't remember. I didn't cook the chicken well, it still so raw! terrible Ha..ha...


  3. Rock buns.. yes, that's the pastry during my time too.
    I rem another lesson we are supposed to do cup cakes? but as I did not mix the portion well, it turned out to be rock buns instead:P
    But it is nice rock buns though:-)

  4. Veggie Bun, not bad, at least it turn out to be rock buns. Mine, no one wanted to eat! :p That's why, I opt for needlework instead of cookery class in upper sec, in fact I should be doing Art ...

    Cheers :)

  5. Hi Crystal,

    I tried the following for seasoning, turned out quite nice too :) Not sure about the quantity though, I just add as much as I like!

    Olive Oil
    Garlic Powder
    Onion Powder
    Dulse flakes
    Chili flakes
    Nutritional yeast (optional)
    Dark soya sauce (optional)

  6. Sorry,
    but I am not Veggie Bun... :-)

  7. Oops, I got the wrong person :p

    Thanks for sharing :) Cheers

  8. Would like to check where we can get the onion powder, garlic powder and dulse flake in Singapore?

  9. Hi J

    Maybe you can find them in Coldstorage, Hypermart and Mustafa Centre in Little India :)

    Cheers :)
