Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Persimmon Punch (Sujeonggwa)

This Persimmon Punch Using known as Sujoenggwa in Korean is often served as a dessert. It calls for dried Persimmon, but I used frozen Persimmon. Lately, there is lots of Korean Persimmon in the supermarket selling as a very reasonable price – 5 for S$1.55. I bought some of them and frozen them for soymilk shake. So, I just use one of them to make this dessert. I added something extra lily bulb instead of pine nuts!

If you like it chilled, do refrigerate this dessert for few hours.

Preparation: 5 mins, Cooking time: 15 mins

Ingredients (serves 2)
° 1-2 frozen persimmon, cut into chunks
° 25g ginger
° 1-2 cinnamon stick
° 25g fresh lily bulb, peel off petals piece by piece
° 75g rock sugar, or to taste
° 1 litre water

1. Combine the ginger, cinnamon, and water and rock sugar in a pot. Bring to a boil and simmer over medium heat for 15 minutes. Throw in the lily bulb and bring to a boil.
2. Add persimmon and serve hot or chilled.


  1. I love so much persimmons I never have time to cook them : they are already eaten. Have to wait one day to taste it mixed with other flavors, like in your recipe.
    My cat gets crazy about persimmon too. If I eat one, he doesn't let me quiet until he gets his piece.

  2. Wow, I didn't know cat loves persimmon. It must be the colour plus the sweetness of the persimmon.

    In fact, to be environmental friendly, no cooking is required for fruit. But, for some who does not like fruits, by doing it in another way to lure them to enjoy fruit.

    Fruits can be added to complement the drink.

    I am waiting to find yellow zucchini in market to make the paste which you had mentioned.

    Cheers :)

  3. I don't know either what my cat finds attractive in persimmon. He also loves avocado, nori, tomatoes and yeast. With perismmon, these are the ingredients I do have to hide in my kitchen...
    Yellow zucchini ? I think I saw some a few times but there are very rare here. We mostly find the green long ones or the green round ones (to stuff). Cheers.

  4. You have a very special cat, very smart too. Of all the 7 stray cats my mother used to have 10 years ago, one of them only want dried cat food, the rest like are fish with rice, caned food and they were not that adventurous :)

    I can imagine it must be very fun and interesting to have your cat around.

    Cheers :)
