Monday, February 16, 2009

Vegetable Dipping Sauce

Oh, if this look familiar. Yes, it is the same ingredients that I used for the Vegetable Sandwich Spread. By adding some roasted sesame seed which is optional, this Vegetable Sandwich Spread can be easily turn into dipping sauce for deep-fried items or Vegetable sticks.

Preparation: 8-10 minutes

Ingredients (makes ±50g)
° 1 teaspoon round cabbage, finely chopped
° 1 slice carrot, finely chopped
° ½ teaspoon or 1 slice onion, finely chopped
° ½ teaspoon red/yellow capsicum, finely chopped
° 1 slice Japanese cucumber, finely chopped
° 2 tablespoons vegetarian salad cream/ vegan mayonnaise
° ¼ teaspoon sugar
° ½ teaspoon vinegar (optional)
° some roasted black and white sesame seeds (optional)

1. Place all the ingredients in a bowl and mix well. Set aside.
2. Garnish with some roasted sesame seed and serves.


  1. You definitely have the most creative minds in the vegan world!!! You should definitely consider opening a restaurant!

  2. Thanks Jamie. Opening a restaurant is a BIG task! Currently, there is someone in my life who take away all my time and energy. Till this person able to fly solo, I can't do much :p

    If more people play with Veg*n recipes and have more time with it, I am sure their creativities will be unleashed.

    Have a lovely day.

    Cheers :)
