Tuesday, March 03, 2009

King Oyster Green Curry

Just a simple pot of green curry with king oyster mushroom which anyone can cook! King oyster mushroom resembles the chicken meat texture and full of nutrients too, and therefore cooked King Oyster Green Curry instead of Green Curry Chicken. Red chilli and tomatoes are added to give it some bright colour. The brand - “Pantainorasingh” contain garlic and therefore not suitable for Buddhist Vegetarian.

Preparation: 10 mins, Cooking time: 10 mins

Ingredients (serves 2)
° 250g king oyster mushroom, cut into chunk
° 1 tomatoes, halved
° 250g “Pantainorasingh” green curry paste, or to taste
° 1 tablespoon olive oil
° 2-3 kaffir lime leaves
° 125ml water
° 125ml fresh coconut milk or soy milk
° small handful basil leaves
° 2 fresh red chilli, seeded and pan fried
° salt and sugar to taste

1. Heat the oil in a wok. Add green curry paste and fry till fragrant.
2. Add in the mushroom and fry for a minute.
3. Throw in the water and bring to a boil and simmer for 3 minutes or until the mushroom are tender. Add in the tomatoes, lime leaves, basil leaves and coconut milk.
4. Garnish with chilli, basil leaves and serve hot with rice.


  1. I love oyster mushrooms, and curry, oh look, your recipe has both! This looks and sounds delicious!

  2. Yum! Two of my all-time favorites - green curry and king oysters! What a great idea! Thanks! :-)
