Monday, April 13, 2009

Glutinous Rice Pudding with Mint Coconut Milk

Was wondering whether to post this recipe or not, as the mint leaves in the photo did not look fresh and that appealing. But my little one, gives the green light and say this can go onto the blog, so here it is …. Using lemon grass and mint as the ingredients in this dessert, come from what Veganic described in VSS Forum. However, you can omit lemon grass and ginger if these ingredients are not available.

Nothing difficult and yet you can churn out different variants and presentable dessert. Well, if mint coconut milk does not appeal to you, you can always have mango puree coconut milk sauce, durian puree coconut milk sauce, raspberry coconut milk sauce or whatever sauce you can think of and the most important thing is the sauce must be something you like.

Preparation: 10 mins, Cooking time: 15 mins

Ingredients (serves 2)
° 150g glutinous rice
° 150ml water
° ¼-3 stalks fresh lemon grass
° 1 slice ginger
° mint leaves (optional), for garnish
° roasted sesame seed (optional), for garnish

° 60ml fresh coconut milk
° 2 tablespoons peppermint syrup

1. Combine all the ingredients for the sauce in a bowl and mix well. Set aside and chilled.
2. Wash the glutinous rice and place in a bowl with enough water to cover. Leave to soak for 3 hours or more. Drain thoroughly.
3. Peel off the outer layers of the lemon grass stalks, leaving the tender whitish centre. Cut into 8cm pieces and bruised.
4. Place the glutinous rice, water, salt and lemon grass, ginger into an electric rice cooker, mix well and turn it on. Discard lemon grass and ginger when done.
5. Divide into individual serving plate. Garnish with mint leaves and sesame seeds.
6. Drizzle the sauce over the glutinous rice pudding and serves immediately or chilled.

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