Thursday, September 03, 2009

Lotus Root Pickle

There is lots of goodness in lotus root. If you are tired of cooking it, pickle it. Sweet, tangy and crunchy! You can slice it very thin or 0.5cm, depending on your time and how you want to serve this. This can be a starter for a party where you can prepared in advance, just garnish it with some sesame seeds or chilli. If you have the time, you can cut around the side of the ring according, making it look like a flower, for those bigger slices. It is also a simple recipe to share over small talk at a party. Is this delicious? It is depend on personal preference.

Preparation: 10 mins

Ingredients (serves ±150g)
 150g lotus root, peeled and sliced
 3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
 1 tablespoon sugar or to taste
 ½-1 chilli padi (optional), for garnish

1. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and mix well. Chilled for 1 hour and serves.

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