Friday, October 16, 2009

Mock Shark’s Fin with Shark Fin Melon

Ready-to-cook Mock Shark's Fin 250g @ S$8.50
Another green Shark’s Fin dish which everyone can indulge in without hurting the environment. Mock Shark’ Fin soup is not that difficult to find in any vegetarian restaurant that serves Chinese cuisine.

For a change, I decide to test out a slightly different way to present the Mock Shark’s Fin dish. Instead of cutting the melon in shreds, I cut them into a cube (just happened that I got ½ of shark fin melon @ S$1 today in the wet market, rare find). It is quite fun actually, if this is the dish for Chinese New Years, be extra careful with the “number” of ingredients used and ingredients that carry special symbolism in the Chinese culture. There are many different way to arrange the ingredients, like the Black Moss can be placed on the top, garnish with coriander leaves and a wolfberry. Or put a simple Japanese lucky knot made using carrot and daikon strands as garnish. 

Without a supreme broth, as usual I make use of granulated mushroom bouillon and mushroom. For a good classic shark’ fin dish, good tasty supreme broth can’t be compromised.

Preparation:      20 mins, Cooking time:    10 mins
Ingredients (serves 4)
°         200g Shark’s Fin Melon, cubed
°         few brown shimeji mushroom, based trimmed
°         some black moss hair seaweed (Fatt Choy)

Mock Sharks’ Fin
°         50g mock shark’s fin
°         1 teaspoon light soy sauce
°         ½ teaspoon granulated mushroom bouillon
°         pepper to taste

°         75ml vegetable/kelp stock
°         ¼ teaspoon granulated mushroom bouillon
°         1 teaspoon light soy sauce
°         ¼ teaspoon sugar

1.       Combine all the mock Shark’s Fin ingredients in a bowl and set aside.
2.       Arrange the shark fin melon, brown shimeji mushroom, black moss hair seaweed, mock shark’s fin, and wolfberries on each individual serving plate.
3.       Mix all the ingredients for the broth well and ladle on each serving plate. Steam for 10 minutes or until the ingredient become tender and serve immediately. 


  1. Hi there,

    May I know where you get your fake sharkfin (not the melon, though)? I've been looking for it for some time. Thank you ;-)

  2. Hi :)

    I got it from a little vegetarian shop @ Admiralty MRT. I guess those Vegetarian Supplier should have, call them to check.

    Cheers :)
