Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tempeh with Honey

A simple recipe which I don’t know what to write about! Writing is never my strong point and I find it difficult to express. Recently, reading some non-vegetarian cookbooks, they have short and sweet description of their recipes together with beautiful photo – informative, interesting yet entertaining, therefore, it leaves an impact on the reader. Something which I may want to achieve.

Cooking is no longer just to fill the stomach, in this era, it is something more – it is a piece of Art without comprising the taste and quality of food or maybe it is even more than that, I don’t know! So is cooking my passion, in fact, it isn’t. Then, these must be the food that my family or my favorite dishes. Surprisingly, it isn’t too, what I really like could not really be found in here, it is a secret! So, the starting of this blog was never planned and it just grows. Now I treat this as a “Mandala” which is impermanent, therefore this blog can cease or exist depend on the "law of nature".

Preparation: 5 mins, Cooking time: 15 mins

Ingredients (serves 2)
 2 (100g) fresh tempeh, diced
 1½ tablespoon honey
 Salt to taste (optional)
 1 tablespoon toasted sesame seeds

1. Mix the tempeh, honey, salt and sesame seeds a bowl.
2. Place them in the oven toaster and toasted for 10-15 minutes or till golden brown.
3. Serve immediately.


  1. Hi,
    Tempehs when baked or fried , usually bites hard, with honey, won't it be even harden the texture?

  2. Hi,

    Not really, control the time in deep-fried or baking. The climate here, can make it turn soft easily.

    Honey add some moisture to it, but it can't be toasted for too long, it will turn 'black' easily.

    My guess, it depends on the "size" of the tempeh being cut.

    Cheers :)
