Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Pumpkin Glutinous Rice Balls N Sesame Glutinous Rice Balls in Ginger Sweet Broth ...

 Glutinous Rice Balls that look like Quail Egg Ginger Sweet Broth with Rose

  With a touch of Zen - Stacking Zen Stone (Blessing  ...) 

 Pumpkin Glutinous Rice Balls N Sesame Glutinous Rice Balls in Ginger Sweet Broth ...  

22 December 2009 - Today is Winter solstice. Instead of having the traditional type, I created a different type of Glutinous Rice Balls Dessert.  Added sesame powder with sugar to the glutinous rice flour and the other one is with mashed steamed pumpkin ...  What did you have?


  1. Your one look so special and nice,I just prefer the simple way and traditional way!! Happy Tang Yuan to you ..

  2. Thanks Sonia ... :) The traditional one is simple and nice. Lately, fell in love with making glutinous flour with water and making this so often.

    So, was thinking of making it a little different for kids and also to increase the nutritious values of the dessert and adding colour using natural ingredients.

    With added mashed pumpkin, it is more work. The other with sesame powder added to the flour is easier and instead of with stuffing with sesame paste.

    Cheers :)

  3. I love Tang Yuan! And these look brilliant Crystal!

    Keep up the good work!

