Saturday, March 06, 2010

Red Bean NianGao with Grated Coconut ...

This is the Red Bean NianGao from Lingzhi Vegetarian Restaurant that I was talking about in my other blog post - Red Bean NianGao and Turnips NianGao

And I followed the tip given by their waitress - Add a pinch of salt to the grated coconut and steamed. Next place the steamed niangao with the grated coconut ... Lovely, I like the new twist to the Traditional NianGao ... 


  1. Hmm, looks like the Malay/Nonya Kuei with grated coconut.

  2. Wor, this looks so good, I also done NianGao during CNY, but your red bean NianGao look really interesting, must try one day.

  3. :D I believe it is very easy done. Just use white sugar and add in red bean.

    It tastes good and light too :)


  4. This is a good and healthy idea to add red beans instead of usual nuts or chocolate perls in desserts (I suppose NianGao are desserts, am I right?). In Europe, we should follow more often this tip.

  5. Hi

    NianGao is sweet snack :D Adding Red bean given a different twist, more variety/variants besides having nuts or seeds.

    Cheers :D
