Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Earth 'N' Ocean Salad (Hijiki Seaweed Salad)

A simple yet easy-to-do side dish, marrying the ingredients from the Earth which are carrot and edamame and hijiki seaweed from the blue ocean. Keep the water for blanching carrot and hijiki seaweed as soup base for noodle or clear soup, if desired.
Preparation:    15 mins

Ingredients (serves 2)
°         2 tablespoons (15g) hijiki seaweed, soaked with 500ml water for 15 mins, drained well  and blanched
°         50g carrot dices, blanched
°         50g edamame
°         3/4  tablespoon sesame oil
°         1/2  tablespoon sugar
°         1 tablespoon light soy sauce
°         some sesame seeds (optional)

1.    Combine all ingredients in a bowl and mix well. Serve chilled if prefer. 


  1. this dish looks selicious to me, I like the use of seaweed! :)

  2. wow awesome

    it looks good :)

    thanks so much , & uhm always love your blog ..its much help for me im a vegetarian too :D

    how long have u been a vegetarian?

    PinkMonkey: ~Emily

  3. Thank you Big bOys Oven :) Me too, I used Seaweed for soup and other things too :)

    Thank you very much Emily :)

    WOW, you have a lovely and beautiful blog. Nice to know another vegetarian and a animal lover :)

    Cheers :)

  4. Oops! Emily,

    I have been a vegetarian for 17 years already and I love this diet very much :)


  5. it does look like a fabulous dish. Tell me about the seaweed - is it readily available in regular supermarkets, and does it need to be cooked, or just soaked?

  6. Hi Leena,

    Yes :)

    You can get it from Japanese supermarket. Soaked it prior to cooking. As I simplified the method without stir-fry, so just replace by blanching.

    Cheers :)

  7. I love the earth n ocean idea! The salad looks really good. :-)

  8. Oh, this looks so delicious! I will cook this soon! :)

  9. Hi Kim

    Thank you for your lovely comments :) Hope you will like this.

    Have a brilliant day!

    Cheers :)
