Sunday, October 17, 2010

Vegetarian Curry Mock Abalone Rice Vermicelli

Embrace simplicity ... enjoy here and now in order to discover the beauty of the present moment and simple thing.

A simple bowl of Curry Mock Abalone with Rice Vermicelli yet it can be quickly and easily transform to be served as a presentable party food. By adding some garnish or simple special ingredient like mock floss or crispy cereal with curry leaves or what you can think of, it will be a unique dish. 

P.S: Fresh veggies have vibrational frequencies which are not found in processed or canned food or meat that is beneficial to our body.  

Preparation:      5 mins, Cooking time:   5 mins
Ingredients (serves 2)
°         150g rice vermicelli, blanched in hot water and drained well
°         1 can vegetarian mock abalone, drained
°         1-2 tablespoons curry powder
°         3-5 tablespoons water
°         6 slices of carrot, shredded
°         1 tablespoon olive oil
°         salt to taste (optional)
°         some fresh Chinese celery (optional), for garnish

1.    Mix the curry powder and chilli powder with 3 tablespoons of water to form curry paste and set aside.
2.   Heat oil in a non-stick wok. Stir in curry paste and fry over medium heat until fragrant. 
3.   Throw in vegetarian mock abalone and stir-fry for 1-2 minutes and off the heat.
4.    Add in rice vermicelli, carrot shreds and mix well. Sprinkle some water for easier tossing, if needed.  Season   to taste with salt if necessary.
5.     Dish up, garnish with Chinese celery and serve immediately.


  1. Nice recipe, this is really yummy. There is nothing to argue about. Keep posting stuff like this i really like it. thank you for sharing this recipe..

  2. Hi KennQ

    Thank you for your comments :) Great to hear that you like this.

    Cheers :)

  3. Going vegetarian does help the earth to some extent as we stop eating animal meat and save the animals.But there is a basic food chain which will go on.We can start at least being vegetarian once a week.

  4. Hi,

    That is another way of curbing global warming :)


    Cheers :)

  5. Thanks for the recipe!!! Love it. Fresh or frozen local abalone is cheaper but will never give the same taste, flavor and texture as canned abalone. I love the flavor and taste of canned abalone and one day I want to eat abalone like 'abalone kings' do: braised in sauce and served whole, like a steak, washed down with a good white wine. Cut with a knife and fork of course. Meantime, it's still cheaper to slice abalone thinly and share with the family. I love this dish. It's such a special treat

  6. Love the food! You’re amazing. This menu is fantastic:) It sure will help everyone who’s looking for a perfect menu like this. Thank you for sharing this recipe.

  7. can be quickly and easily transform to be served

    Needs to be "transformed"

  8. Wow.. superb recipe, really yummy. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Hi Relish,

    Great to see your comment and thank you very much.

    Cheers =)

  10. I got hungry with the mere sight of the dish. It looks very enticing. I hope I can perfectly whipped up this dish.

  11. H Irene,

    Thanks:)Give it a try if you have the time and have some fun :)

    Cheers :)

  12. Hi
    I used Pure Vegan B12 spray.There is also a cheaper version that does not advertise vegan but says so on the label called Pure Advantage B12. The ingredients are identical.


  13. Although this is an ideal vegan dish I doubt mock abalone is available in Australia. I just think Buddhist food is mostly oriental. :)
