Friday, December 29, 2006

Fried Wanton with Tofu Fillings

Deep-FriendWantons of different shapes - candy shape, triangle and big square.

Deep-Fried Wanton in 'candy shape' with vegetarian salad cream or vegan mayonnaise.

This is a simple to made excellent party snack using tofu. Serve these crispy wontons with chilli sauce.

Preparation: 15 mins Cooking time: 5 mins

Ingredients (makes 40 pieces)
° 2 packs (40pcs) wonton wrapper
° 1 (225g) firm tofu (beancurd), washed, pat dry with kitchen paper and mashed
° 1-2 shiitake mushrooms, chopped
° ½ carrot (optional), blanched and chopped
° 2 spring onions or coriander leaves, chopped
° ½ fresh chilli (optional), chopped
° 1-1.5 tablespoons self-raising flour
° 1 tablespoon corn starch
° 1 teaspoon sesame oil
° sugar, to taste
° salt, to taste
° pepper, to taste
° oil, for deep-frying

1. Combine the mashed tofu, mushrooms, carrot, spring onion/coriander leaves, chilli, flour, corn starch, sesame oil, sugar, salt, pepper and mix well. This is the wonton filling.
2. Lay a wonton wrapper in front of you. Place a bit of filling in the middle. Fold up the wonton diagonally, making sure the end meet. Press down firmly on the ends to seal.
3. Heat oil in a deep-fryer or wok and fry in batches until golden brown.
4. Remove the wonton with a slotted spoon. Drain well on kitchen paper and serve as soon as possible to ensure they remain crispy.

1. Put wontons in oven or microwave for 1-2 minutes if they lose their crispiness.
2. 1 small mashed potato can be added, and self-raising flour can be removed.
3. Mashed potatoes can be used instead of firm tofu.


  1. Another good filling would be ginger, shitake mushroom, corn and peas. It would taste great boiled or fried.

  2. Liked the recipe. Yes! we should avoid non veg food.
    Arindam from
