Thursday, June 07, 2007

Claypot Braised Beancurd with Glass Noodles

An easy to cook claypot dish! I omitted the normal sequence of stir frying the ingredients prior to stewing in the claypot, to speed up the process. I love the bean vermicelli to be deep-fried, it soak up the gravy better and easier to digest. However, for a healthier choice, you may soaked the vermicelli and throw in together with the vegetables.

Preparation: 10 mins, Cooking time: 15 mins

Ingredients (serves 4)
° 150g chinese cabbage (wong bak), cut into broad strips
° 6-8 chinese dried mushrooms, soaked
° 1 slice ginger
° 250ml water
° 2 firm tofu/beancurds (225g), cut into 4 sections and deep-fried
° 1 pack/50g bean vermicelli, deep-fried
° a small handful fresh coriander leaves, for garnish

° 1 tablespoon vegetarian oyster sauce
° 1 tablespoon light soy sauce
° ½ teaspoon sugar, or to taste
° ½ teaspoon sesame oil
° pepper, to taste

1. Combine the Chinese cabbage, mushrooms, ginger, water, beancurd and seasoning into a claypot. Bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes or until the vegetables are tender.
2. Add in the bean vermicelli and bring to a boil, usually after a while the bean vermicelli will soak up most of the gravy. If it is too watery, thicken the gravy with a bit of cornflour solution, if desired.
3. Garnish with coriander leaves and red chilli. Serves hot.


  1. hi crystal, what is bean vermicelli?? this recipe looks interesting...i will experiment..tks! SF

  2. Hi SF

    Thanks :)

    Bean Vermicelli a.k.a cellophane noodle or glass noodle.

    The ingredients: mung bean or/and peas, corn starch, water.

    If the bean vermicelli is deep-fried, it can't be cooked too long, it will break into small pieces. It will also soak up the gravy and is yummy.

    If it is not deep-fried, might need to cook longer to soften it.

    Have a lovely day.
