Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Steamed Banana Cake

Steamed banana cake usually calls for rice flour, tapioca starch, sugar and salt. I have a packet of waffle pancake mix (‘Red Man’ brand) and some ripe bananas. So, I make some steamed banana cake.

It is extremely simple and easy, as the pancake premix contains most of the ingredients, I just need to add water, coconut milk and mashed banana. To make the cake look nicer, you may add some yellow colouring, but I choose not to. You may even garnish with some desiccated coconut if desired.

Preparation: 5 mins, Cooking time: 30 mins

Ingredients (makes 8-10 pieces)
° 200g waffle-pancake mix
° 100ml water
° 100ml coconut milk or fresh unsweetened soy milk
° 2 (300g) ripe bananas, mashed

1. Combine the mashed banana, flour, water, coconut milk in bowl. Mix well.
2. Grease a heat-proof ware, pour in the cake mixture and cover with plastic wrap or banana leave on top.
3. Steam for 25-30 minutes or until it is springy. Set aside to cool and cut into small squares.
4. Serve smaller serving.


  1. hi Crystal...i m overseas and can't get the waffles mix here....but i have rice flour n tapioca starch...wat is the proportion in this case?? thanks!

  2. Hi ioyces

    I understand :) Give me some time, i have not experiment with rice flour yet. Let me check up the recipe at the library, i remember seeing it, then let you know :)

    Have a lovely week :)


  3. Hi Crystal,

    Is it alright if I don't cover the mixture with plastic wrap when steaming?
