Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Konnyaku Jelly with Nata De Coco

This is a simple jelly to make for adult and kids. In here, I use the syrup from nata de coco for flavouring and hence there is no need to purchase any flavouring. I have also omitted the use of citric acide or malic acid as excessive consumption can cause irritation of the mouth. Kiwi or tukhmaria seeds or basil seeds can be added, if desired.

Preparation: 5 mins, Cooking time: 5 mins

Ingredients (makes 24 pieces)
° 1 packet (10g) konnyaku jelly powder
° 200g sugar, or to taste
° 950ml water
° ½ can nata de coco
° food colouring (optional)

1. Combine the konnyaku jelly powder with sugar and mix well. Set aside.
2. Bring water to a boil in a pot. Gradually stir in the konnyaku and sugar mixture, stirring and bring to a boil.
3. Remove pot from heat and continue to stir until bubble disappeared. Pour in 50ml of nata de coco syrup, food colouring and mix well.
4. Place 2-3 nata de coco cubes into each jelly mould. Pour the jelly mixture into the jelly mould and leave to cool before refrigerating until chilled.
5. Serve chilled.


  1. Hi, How do you put the coloring as the photo you shown was every jelly in different colors? It's look very attractive. It's must be taste good with Nata De Coco ^_^

  2. Hi Erin

    This is yummy :) Kids love it.

    What I did was, I didn't add any food colouring at step 3. The whole pot is plain.

    Next, I just scoop out some into different bowl. For each bowl, i adding different colour bit by bit and get the right colour I want and stir well.

    Next pour into the few mould in each tray, so each tray have few different colour jelly.

    Cheers :)
