Tuesday, January 01, 2008


Persimmon was my mom favorite fruit. She loved it so much but not me. Lately, I was watching the Good Food Fun Cook TV program, the cook demonstrated how to peel off the skin of the ripened persimmon and how to make persimmon puree. That looked fun and I bought some persimmon to play with and I blended it. Wow, the end product looks like ice cream, so sweet, creamy and cool.

It is such a good way to eat persimmon fruit, especially for those kids who do not like fruit or persimmon. If the kid still didn’t like this, added 60ml chilled unsweetened soy milk to each persimmon (125g) and blended it. It even looks more beautiful – pale orange in coloured and tasted marvelous

Preparation: 10 minutes

Ingredients (serves 1)
° 1 (125g) very ripe frozen persimmon

° 1 (125g) very ripe frozen persimmon
° 60ml fresh unsweetened soy milk, chilled

1. Thaw frozen persimmon under running tap water or a bowl of water. Gently rub and peel off the skin. Cut the persimmon into small chunks.
2. Combine all the ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth and creamy.
3. Serve immediately.


  1. Wow this one looks very unique, I don't htink anyone actually sell this outside?

  2. Hi Crystal
    I noticed that you frequently use blender.
    Am thinking of getting a new blender but they are expensive investment. Would you recommend the brand that you are using now?


  3. Hi anonymous

    Yes, you are right. I got it during sale, very reasonable (just look out sale from Courts or other), the brand is Philip.

    It is useful, i used it when i don't have time eating a big plate of fruit slowly, just blend and drink.

    Cheers :)
