Sunday, February 24, 2008

Stir-Fried Soybean Sprout with Celery

Soybean sprouts with Celery is not a bad combination. The result is simple, crunchy and oozing with “freshness”. Oh, the soybean sprouts which look like gigantic mung bean sprouts are rich in vitamin A, B and C and can be eaten raw. Now it is available in some supermarkets or wet market.

Preparation: 5 mins, Cooking time: 5 mins

Ingredients (serves 2)
° 200g soybean sprout, tailed
° 2 stalks celery, trimmed and sliced
° 2 slices ginger or 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
° ¾ tablespoon olive oil
° salt, to taste
° Korean chilli powder or dried red chilli flake, or coarse chilli (optional), to garnish

1. Heat oil in a wok. Add the ginger or garlic and fry till fragrant.
2. Add the soybean sprout, celery and stir-fry briskly for 1½ -2 minutes. Season to taste with salt and transfer to a serving dish.
3. Garnish with chilli powder/chilli flake and serve immediately.


  1. I love the soy bean sprout, I don't know why, but I always feel they are very nutritious when I eat them lol... :D

  2. aren't these bean sprouts the same as the normal usual ones we seen in the market?? though i realised the head of the sprout looks much bigger....cheers SF

  3. Hi SF,

    No :) they are different. The one that i used in the picture is bought from Fairprice, and it look smaller and shorter, that why it gives you the impression that they are the same.

    I used to buy from another Supermarket, they are much longer and bigger. It is quite commonly used in Korean Dishes, just don't know why it is not that popular here, it is really nice and yummy.

    Maybe, next time, i should experiment with Soy Bean and grow them :) cheers
