Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Nonya Kueh: Steamed Tapioca Kueh

Hey, did not know that this is so simple to make. The only work is grating the tapioca but it is fun using the grater, or else makes use of the blender. The tapioca is quite cheap about S$1 for 1kg when I bought two days ago. Peeling the tapioca is easy too, just made a slice lengthwise and the bark can be easily peeled off. Food colouring is optional for a healthy choice. Use desiccated coconut if freshly grated coconut is unavailable.

Preparation: 15 mins, Cooking time: 20 mins

Ingredients (makes 6)

° 300g tapioca (weight after peeled), grated
° 90g sugar, or to taste
° 150ml water
° ½ teaspoon vanilla essence
° food colouring (optional)
° 75g-100g fresh grated coconut
° a pinch of salt

1. Combine the grated tapioca, sugar, water, vanilla essence and food colouring in a mixing bowl. Mix well.
2. Grease a tin with oil and pour in the mixture. Steam for 20 minutes and leaves to cool prior to cutting.
3. Mix the grated coconut with a pinch of salt in a plate. Ensure that the steamed tapioca kueh are evenly coated with grated coconut.
4. Serve.


  1. this is surely ez...i normally hv problem when the recipe said to use ALKALINE water...which i donno what is that?? nice job :)SF

  2. Wow, is that pink bec of food colouring?
    It is usually green in color sold at stalls outside, right?

  3. Such a delight to stumble upon your blog. Have been slowly discovering the joy of eating more vegetable only dishes. And you blog has given me great recipe ideas.

  4. Hi SF

    Alkaline water, I did search for that last year and now i forgotten about it. I have a bottle of alkaline water at home. :) Need to recall what the usage. I used in one of the kueh's recipe.

    Hi Sunny
    Yes, i added red colouring for the "photo taking". It is best to avoid it, it is then light yellowish, i guess. Bengawan Solo sold it, called Ongol Ubi.

  5. Hi Iml

    Thank you :) Eating vegetables can be fun.

    Cheers :)

  6. Hi there,
    May i ask if the grated tapioca need drain off excess juice out? thks

  7. May I know how fine should we grate the tapioca?(i am a beginner) How long can the steamed tapioca be kept?


  8. Hi leow,

    No worries :) use the grater that you normally get from the supermarket. The normal size one is ok, if you have a smaller one, you will need longer time doing grating.

    The kueh is better eaten within the day but it can be kept for 2 more days (i don't keep for too long) in the refrigerator but must be in a box.

    Cheers :)

  9. Hi Crystal,

    I finally tried making this kueh today but the result was not good. I steamed it for quite some time (more than 30mins)as it did not seem to look "cooked", rather it looked like it was still in its original grated state. Do you think it was because I did not add water into the mixture? Or was it due to the tapioca? I used the normal grater to grate the tapioca.

    Thanks for advice

  10. Hi leow

    Did you add 150ml water to the 300g tapioca? Another thing could be the tapioca (did you get the ready peel one from supermarket or those with skin on in the wet market) :)

    Cheers :)

  11. Hi Crystal,

    Thanks, the mystery is resolved. The "tapioca" I bought from the wet market was not tapioca though I had confirmed with the stall owner (I think she was also not sure how a tapioca looks like but I must say it bears some resemblance to a yam and tapioca). I have bought a "real" tapioca this time and will try making the kueh again, probably next week


  12. Great Leow :) It is a nice experience, I learnt something new from you, thanks for sharing with me.

    Have a lovely week ;)


  13. I realize that if I grate the Tapioca, it seems the center parts look uncook, why is that so?

  14. I realize that if i grate the Tapioca, the centre part looked uncook, after steaming, why is that do? Thanks

  15. Hi Adeline

    I don't face this problem, so I have no clue. Besides, there can be other conditions that might have indirectly caused this to happen.

    With experiment, you may find the answer.

    Cheers :)

  16. Thanks. How did you grate your Tapioca? Or is it blended till fine. What type of grater r u using?

  17. How did u grate the Tapioca? Using a grater or just blended till fine? Thanks

  18. Hihi Adeline

    Normal grater, the traditional type :) If you notice from my photo, I use camping tin, it is "thinner" and absorb heat much faster.

    If you getting the Tapioca from wet market, check with the seller, maybe they can give some tip on the type of tapioca they are selling. Hope that will help you solve the mystery.

    Have a awesome week ahead :)

    Cheers :)
