Monday, March 10, 2008

Simple Stir-Fried Power Beans (Petai)

Petai again! Yes, petai, the stink beans which are firm and shiny. It has a diuretic effect and believed to flush toxins from the body. It can be eaten raw or cooked in sambal chilli. Usually, it needs strong accompaniments to mask its taste. In this recipe, I used chilli black bean, a product which I just discover and is a vegetarian product.

Preparation: 10 mins, Cooking time: 5 mins

Ingredients (serves 2-3)
° 150g petai, halved
° 1 slice ginger or 1 clove garlic, chopped
° ½ tablespoon olive oil
° 1 tablespoons chilli black bean, or to taste
° 1 tablespoon cooking rice wine
° sugar to taste (optional)

1. Heat oil in a wok. Add the ginger or garlic and fry till fragrant.
2. Throw in the petai and stir-fry briskly for a moment.
3. Add the cooking rice wine, chilli black bean and stir-fry briskly for 2 minutes. Season to taste with sugar.
4. Transfer to a serving dish and serve immediately.

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