Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Koshian Agar-Agar

What is this? Oh, I added Koshian (Japanese Red Bean Paste or Azuki Bean Paste) to the Agar-agar. In fact I bought this Koshian for making matcha mochi but still having got into the mood of doing it. Back to this agar-agar, it is real simple. Just that, I need to give a stir prior to the mixture been solidify so that the koshian does not settle on the bottom.
Preparation: 2 mins, Cooking time: 5 mins

Ingredients (Makes 24)
° 12g agar-agar powder
° 1.5 litre water
° 250g Koshian, or to taste

1. Dissolve agar-agar powder in 1500ml of water in a pot and bring to a boil.
2. Remove pot from heat and leave to cool, stir in koshian and mix well.
3. Pour into the container. Give it a last stir prior to refrigerating until chilled.
4. Cut and serve chilled.


  1. Hi Crystal

    May I know where did you buy the Koshian?

  2. Hi

    From Japanese supermarket or supermarket that carry japanese products :)

    I got my from Daiso, the $2 shop :)

    Cheers :)

  3. Hi
    your recipe said 1500ml water but instruction was to dissolve agar agar in 500ml water
    pls confirm.
    also any sugar or milk to be added??

  4. Hi oliveoil,

    Thank you for pointing out my typo error again. I missed out 1 again, sorry.

    I corrected it now.

    The Koshian is sweet, so, I didn't add any sugar nor soymilk.

    If you like to add soymilk, just deducted the amount of soymilk from the amount of water and I guess add it after it has boiled.

    Thank you very much.

    Cheers :)
