Monday, July 28, 2008

Broccoli with Fresh Lily Bulb and Wolfberries

A simple dish. No vegetarian oyster sauce. Fear not, just substitute with 2 tablespoons light soy sauce, and use some mushroom seasoning or vegetable stock instead of water. Corn flour or cornstarch can be used instead of tapioca starch.

Preparation: 10 mins, Cooking time: 8 mins

Ingredients (serves 2)

° 200g broccoli florets, blanched
° 25g fresh lily bulb, petals separated
° ½ teaspoon wolfberries, soaked
° 1 slice ginger, finely chopped
° 1 tablespoon olive oil
° 1 tablespoon vegetarian oyster sauce
° 1 teaspoon tapioca starch, mixed with 1 tablespoon water
° 125ml water

1. Arrange the broccoli in a serving plate and set aside.
2. Heat the oil in a wok. Add the ginger and fry till fragrant.
3. Throw in the lily bulb, wolfberries, water and vegetarian oyster sauce. Bring to a boil and stir in the tapioca starch mixture to thicken the sauce.
4. Drizzle the sauce over the broccoli and serve immediately.

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