Monday, August 11, 2008

Dang Gui Soup (Angelica Root Soup)

Red dates/wolfberries/angelica root & a glass of Angelica Root Soup

In fact, I wanted to have a bowl of Korean Ginseng Soup, but there is only 1 pack of fresh ginseng which is not so fresh at the supermarket. My ginseng soup becomes Dang Kui Soup!

I added fresh mushrooms which have the power of inhibiting tumor growth, lowering the cholesterol levels, boost the immune system as it stimulates the production of white blood cell and effective in fighting some types of cancer. It also has many important sources of nutrients.

Red dates helps to improve qi, boast blood circulation, calms the spirit and prevents pigmentation too.

Preparation: 5 mins, Cooking time: 30 mins

Ingredients (serves 2-3)
° 1-2 slices Dang Gui/angelica root
° 1 litre water
° 12 seedless red dates
° 10 fresh shitake mushrooms
° 1 tablespoon wolfberries
° salt, to taste
° a small handful fresh chopped spring onion or coriander leaves (optional), for garnish

1. Place dang gui, red dates, mushrooms and water in a pot and continually boil for 25 minutes. Add in the wolfberries and boil for another 5 minutes. Season to taste with salt.
2. Ladle the soup into individual serving bowls, garnish with spring onion or coriander leaves and serve hot.


  1. WaH! This presentation is so amazing, like in restaurant like that! I think u can be a part time photographer! You got the talent!
