Monday, September 22, 2008

Carrot and Celery Sticks with Mango Mayo Dipping Sauce

This is a very simple salad. To make it more interesting, I added fresh mango and oranges juice to the mayo to give it a different flavour.

Preparation: 13 mins

Ingredients (serves 4)
° 100g celery (weighed after trimming), trimmed and cut into match-stick length
° 100g carrot, peeled and cut into match-stick length

Dipping Sauce
° 1 tablespoon vegetarian salad cream or vegan mayonnaise, or to taste
° 75g fresh ripe mango
° ½ orange, freshly squeezed

1. To make dipping sauce: Place the vegetarian salad cream, mango and orange juice in a blender and blend until smooth. Pour into a bowl or glass.
2. Place the celery and carrot in a bowl or glass and serves with the dipping sauce.

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