Sunday, October 19, 2008

Banana and Beetroot Soy Milk Shake

I had cooked Beetroot rice using Beetroot in the previous recipe. As for the cooked beetroot, I used it for this banana and beetroot soy milk shake. With banana added to it, it is much sweeter and pleasant to drink. Kids will love this too.

Preparation: 5 mins, Cooking time: 10 mins

Ingredients (serves 2-3)
° 125g beetroot, peeled and cut into small chunks
° 2 banana, peeled and cut into small chunks
° 500ml reduced sugar soy milk

1. Bring the water in the steamer to a boil. Place the beetroot in the steamer and steam for 10 minutes or until soften. Leave to cool.
2. Combine all the ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Chilled or serve with ice.

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