Monday, January 05, 2009

BaiYe Tofu Salad

Happy New Year everyone, I am back from hibernation and getting back to cooking is a little bit tough after a nice break. So, I tried something simple and it looks like noodle but it is not. It is BaiYe Tofu ( 百 页 豆 腐 )- a traditional Chinese soybean product which is popular in mainland china. It can be used for salad, stir-fried dishes or stew. This BaiYe tofu that I bought is a product of Singapore.

Preparation: 10 minutes

Ingredients (serves 2)
° 125g BaiYe tofu, shredded and blanched for 2 minutes and drained well
° 25g carrot, peeled and shredded
° small handful of coriander leaves
° some toasted sesame seeds (optional), for garnish


° 1 teaspoon sesame oil or olive oil
° 2 tablespoons cider apple vinegar
° 1 tablespoon sugar, or to taste
° 1 teaspoon light soy sauce
° salt to taste

1. Mix the all the ingredients for seasoning in a bowl and set aside.
2. Add in BaiYe tofu. Toss well.
3. Garnish with coriander leaves, sesame seeds and serve.


  1. Welcome back and happy new year! I love tofu noodles, yours look so yummy and simple! :-)

  2. Welcome Back!!!
    The BaiYe Tofu looks good, where can I get it? Is its original package like those handmade noodles'?

    Cheers:-) Good Year Ahead:-)

  3. Thanks Chow Vegan.

    Hi Sunny, i got it from Sheng Siong supermarket. It is a big square with many layers stack together - 250g per packet :)I cut it, it is very simple.

    Cheers :)

  4. Welcome back to blogsphere and Happy New Year!

    This BaiYe Tofu looks interesting!
    Is this dried and fresh?

  5. Hi Sunny,

    BaiYe Tofu is sold under NUTC, Tofu section

