Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Nata De Coco with Sterculia and Agar Agar Dessert

Dried Sterculia Seeds / Soaked Sterculia Seeds in water

You see, with a minor change of the one of the ingredients, you can create a different treats! I replaced soymilk with Nata De Coco! And my boy loves this and asked for more. And it looks colourful and attractive to little ones. Nata De Coco is a high-fibre, low-calories and cholesterol-free dessert. Again, you can make the agar agar yourself or you just get them from the Fruit Stall in the food court.
Preparation: 5 mins, standing time 30 mins

Ingredients (serves 2)
° 2 sterculia seeds/mollow nuts, lightly bruised
° 50g-75g agar agar (jelly), cubed
° 360g Nata De Coco

1. Soak sterculia seeds in ample water for 20-30 minutes until the flesh has expanded into a loose, jelly like mass. Peel off and discard the skin. Drain well.
2. Mix all the ingredients in a jar and pour into individual glasses.
3. Chilled or serve with ice.


  1. ? 1st time heard abt this "Nata De Coco"! Where to get it?

  2. looks real good for the recent heaty weather:-)

  3. Hi

    If you are in Singapore and Malaysia, it is quite easy to get it and the price is reasonable. Amost all Supermarket, Hypermart sell this.

    A little bit of info on Nata De Coco : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nata_de_coco

    Cheers :)

  4. Thanks, so that is refering to coconut jelly cubes.
    But what did you use as the beverage, just plain cold water?

  5. Oh :) The Nata De Coco that I got come with cubes and syrup, so I didn't add any plain water. So, I should say that I add Seterculia and Agar Agar to it.

    Cheers :)

  6. Hi Crystal,
    Do we need to boil the kembang-semangkuk? I so happen to have several seeds!

  7. Hi Emily

    Usually, I crack them, soak in water first to remove the shells and skin. Then, add to boil Ching Tng or other dessert.

    For this, i didn't, i just add them in. If you want to boil them, yes.

    cheers :)
