Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Ripen Green Mango with Salad Cream ...

My green mango ripen! Gosh! I totally forgotten I bought a green mango in the wet market and it was sitting quietly in my fruit basket. This type of incidents happened quite often.

When green mango ripen, it turned greenish-yellow on the skin, it is a little bit of sweetness but it is not as sweet as those ripen mango that we get from supermarket.

In fact, it tastes better if you don’t really like too sourish green mango. It can still used to make Thai green mango salad with sugar reduced, if you desired or mixed with sour plum powder with/without chilli or just simply goes with salad cream like in the photo …

Thai Green Mango Salad and Thai Green Papaya Salad are popular salad in Thai Cuisine. One thing that I haven’t really featured out is why isn’t there a combination of Green Mango and Green Papaya for the same salad? Or maybe there are, just thatI don’t know or it could be it just makes no sense to have 2 types of ‘green julienne” in the same salad …


  1. man! I love your blog! modern and vegetarian? nice combo! I'm trying to eat less meat and focus on vegetarian dishes. I'm sure I'll be back here often ;)

  2. Hi Alecho

    Thank you and great to hear that you are eating less meat, veg*n cuisine is done well, is super too.

    Take care :)

