Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Super Simple Soupy Wonton Wrapper Noodle ...

When writing the post (Revolutionized instead of Veganized), I recalled my late mother brought back some dried wonton wrappers from Malaysia few decades ago. She used them to cook a piping hot soupy "wonton wrappers" noodle for us. I could not remember what soup base or ingredients she used now. But what still lingers in my mind is the delicious silky smooth wonton skin …

Am I craving for this – No, of course not! It is just to share some information, hopefully new ideas leads to new thinking about Vegetarian Food. As a Vegetarian or Vegan, in fact, you still can have fun with food and enjoy terrific food … 

So, I made myself a bowl for lunch – super easy and simple. Just remember, when cooking the wonton wrapper in boiling water, don’t throw it all together! Gently one by one or few pieces by few pieces in ample boiling water, so it will not stick together. After that, add them to the soup or broth. I cut the normal wonton wrapper into 4 small squares portion prior to cooking it.

The key to this is good broth, if not substitute with granulated mushroom bouillon and soy sauce and drizzle some shallot/sesame oil. Garnish with spring onion or Chinese celery. Is this too plain, add some mushrooms – pair with right type of mushroom or pair with veggie side dishes or a plate of Dry Instant Noodle or whatever you desire or …
This dish is good for very young kids  …


  1. Wow, what a great idea! I would never have thought to just use the skin without a filling. So easy and simple! And little kids do love it - they like to eat the skin but not the filling. :-)

  2. Thank you Anonymous and Chow Vegan.

    Sometimes simplicity can be beautiful. Just like Japanese Cha Soba. And also the Soupy Udon with Fried Bean curd that I had at Incheon Airport. Simple and yet delicious.

    Cheers :)
