Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Mee Suah in Thunder Tea Rice Broth

Happy Lunar New Year!
 May All be well, happy and prosperous ...

January gone! and it is now February 2010, getting near to Chinese New Year which is on 14 February! I still have not started working on any of my to-do list.  Busy and will be very very busy, as I fallen in love with -  Doing Nothing at all and trying too enjoy the Sound of Silence ...

What I had for lunch yesterday was just a bowl of Simple Mee Suah in Thunder Tea Rice Broth! I got the handmade Mee Suah (product of malaysia) from someone quite awhile ago and still have not finished the pack.  Just throw the mee suah in boiling water to cook it for a minutes or two and then transfer to the piping hot Thunder Tea Rice Broth, garnish with some coriander leaf and chilli if desired.

Too plain? Add something to it - blanched shimeji mushroom maybe! Or some veggies!


  1. Good combination! The mee suah will absorb the flavor :)

  2. Hi Tigerfish

    Thank you :) You are right. And the mee suah is soft, so it go well with the thick broth.

    Cheers :)

  3. Hi 午餐,
    感谢您。我会加油的 :)非常谢谢您的留言。祝福您 :)

  4. Happy Lunar Year to you Crystal! I didn't know it was the same day as St-Valentine this year. Do you know how we can make a home-made Thunder Tea Broth please? With Macha tea? This kind of Broth interest me a lot.

  5. Hi Virginie
    Happy Valentine Day to you and Mr. Swedish : )

    The one I used in the post is a ready-made paste where I just need to add hot water. I have 2 recipes in my blog, those are very raw with one or two ingredients missing, yet to be refined. I have collected 2 recipes (hope I didn't throw them away) but haven't tested out yet. I kind of seal up all stuff related to recipes, so I might need time to dig them out :o

    If you are not in a hurry, give me some time and I will tested them out first and let you know. But there will be one or two herbs, you might not be able to find (even in Singapore, it is difficult, not that common - mugwort or Koo lek sim).

    Thunder Tea Rice Broth - use Basil leaves and it is kind of like Pesto Sauce, with the right consistency or maybe with some modification, this might even go well with Pasta or Spaghetti - another East Meets West Dishes full of goodness of the herbs.

    cheers : )

  6. Hi Crystal,
    Thanks for your reply. I tried to search on your blog recipes, but probably didn't use the right key words (I wrote Thunder Tea Rice Broth and Tea Rice Broth, if I remember well). I'm going to try with shorter key words like just "broth". But if you can test one day your recipes, I'm very pleased. Maybe I can use Asian basil instead of these rare herbs, like they do in the paste. If you can't test the recipes, don't worry. I can try to obtain something similar by myself (the result can be funny...). I do love the color of the broth.

  7. Hi Virginie :)

    No worries, I will do it for you :) just need time.

    The earlier version I had is here:

    For the above, I didn't use peanut powder, therefore the colour is different and the thickness is not there.

    Like you say, it is always nice to explore different combination, and a unique and different might be born :) I am sure you will be able to create something new out from there - a Europe Style ... :)

    Will either post or email you, when done.

    Cheers :)
