Friday, October 01, 2010

A Flextarian's Wild Red Mushroom recipe ...

Photo Source : from HH
Two weeks ago, I received an unexpected e-mail from a Flextarian, HH, asking for Wild Red Mushroom and Wild Tea Tree Mushroom recipes. Oops, I haven't tasted Wild Red Mushroom!

I keep meeting lovely people who are vegetarian friendly even they are meat-eater in one way or other. They are the one who bring a smile to my face and remind me a very beautiful phase that someone gave me - [Breath In, Breath Out, We are ONE].

Yes, We are all global citizen staying on Planet Earth, shower with so much unconditional love from the Universe which we can discover if we willing to slow down and look deeper. Even the Bee gives us unconditional love in a way. Without the tiny insect - Bee, we will face Food Crisis. The food that we eat everyday to survive (even we pay) is the combination of countless contributions of others that we do not know.

So, what I can offer to repay all these kindness?

Maybe, in here, I share the wonderful recipe given to me by HH who is a flextarian (Thank you HH). She is really creative and using non-meat ingredients and workaround to veganism a meat recipe. Beautiful!

Below is the unedited email from HH, enjoy  ...

This is the simple recipe I told you about.

• 50 gram dried red mushroom
• 8 C water
• 200-250 gram pork
• 1 T soy sauce
• 1 t sesame oil
• 1 t corn or potato flour
• ½ t of sugar

1. Wash mushroom and deconstruct for 10 mins, drain
2. Cut pork, marinate 30 mins
3. Boil mushroom then simmer for 1 hour
4. Add pork, cook 10 mins, serve with chopped green onions

I did not have pork on hand and did not feel like eating any meat, so I used tofu.
I coated tofu with the corn flour and shallow fried it before marinate.
I found the soup rather to a bland side, probably because the tofu exuded water.
I just put a pinch of salt and a handful of shredded nori in my individual bowl. Very soothing and gentle dish.

The red mushroom has a woody, thick-papery texture. Not as aromatic as shiitake that I use the most for soups. Maybe the way I cooked it did not bring out its maximum flavour.


  1. Hi since you are not around anymore you will never read my comment but I could not resist it. The modern vegetarian recipes and pork in the ingredients I was SHOCKED. May you have fun whatever you do these days.

  2. Hi Ginger,

    Thanks for your comment :) I do drop by to check the comments in this blog once in a while, no worries.

    This recipe was given by a flextarian, although the recipe calls for pork, but she does not like meat and intelligently replace the port with tofu as stated in the later part.

    Yes, I am having fun and may you have a lovely week too :)

    Cheers : )

  3. great post, I really like it. Thanks for posting. :)

  4. Hi Mamun,

    Thank you so much for the comment.

    I am so touched that this blog is still alive in its own unique way.

    If there is opportunity, would like to experience connecting with the food from our amazing nature and mother earth and share with all.

    May you be well and happy.

    Cheers, :)

  5. I would like more information about this, because it is very nice. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Thanks Naturo grow! You can find a lot of such information where you google : ) Happy reading.
    Have a awesome day!
