Sunday, October 17, 2010

May ALL be well, happy and peaceful ...

To ALL my dear readers,

Whatever has been absorbing my time and energy in the past few years (blogging etc) is now coming to an end. In completing it, I am clearing the space for something new to begin. It will be the celebration for the end of the old and the coming of the new. I am joyful and content with this blog and appreciate all of you.

I may or may not have the time (extremely tight schedule) to create new recipes, as I like to deeply and completely immerse in the new things that I am going to do in the next few months or more.

THANK YOU for visiting ...

May ALL be well, happy and peaceful. 


  1. Let me guess? Going back to workforce now that your boy is big enough?
    Pls don't post, yahoo down cannot send mail.
    Just want to intro you to this new discovery at Sin Ming Rd.

    It may be the type of Buddhism you are looking for , not emphasis on Pureland but Buddhism in Living world that Master Yin Shun advocate.

  2. So sad to hear it's the end, I really enjoyed your blog. Thanks so much for the recipes and inspiration! Best wishes to you in whatever you do! :-)

  3. And I just found you :-(

    Will you still be posting at all? I hope so. And I will enjoy going backward through your blog and trying recipes - starting with that last one you posted. Yum :-)

  4. Hi Sunny :)

    Thank for the info :)

    Good try. There is so much things to do and for me to discover in this Universe, you guess ...


  5. Thank you so much chow vegan :)

    You have a great blog too and I love it.

    cheers :)

  6. Thanks Lynee,

    Nice to hear from you. Posting, maybe not, guess I don't have the time anymore.

    The future, is unpredictable, so maybe too.

    Hope you can recreate and come up with unique recipes that you and your family love.

    Have a lovely week.

    Cheers :)

  7. Dear Ven Thich nu Tinh Quang

    Thank You very much. I hope I will. May you find happiness too :)

    Cheers :)

  8. The Ven Thich Nu said it beautifully. Thank you for sharing your journey with the us.

  9. Hi BrusselsSprout_Katharine,

    Thank you for your appreciation. This credit should go to the Universe ...

    All posts in here are the many direct and indirectly contributions from many other known and unknown factors and sources :)

    Cheers :)

  10. Hi, I have been a ovo-lacto vegetarian for 11 years. Just found your blog. I am interested to know all vegetarian friends and keen to have healthy vegetarian meals together. MSN:

  11. Hi Catherine,

    Nice to see your comment :)

    Nice to see you have joined the Singapore

    How about Organic Meet-up ?

    Cheers :)

    Cheers :)

  12. And I just found you! I can't wait to recreate your recipes at home. I would like to know what laksa tastes like and now I can because I can make your vegetarian version!

    Best of luck on what's next.

  13. Hi notabilia

    Thank you. Laksa Leaves is a kind of herb that I could not really describe the taste, it definitely required, as it add a unique and special aroma to Laksa.

    Cheers :)

  14. hey! I just saw this post!
    Whats you up to now?

  15. Awww! It's a shame really! Your blog is amazing. Wishing you happiness in whatever you have decided to pursue. Hopefully a veg restaurant??? hehe!

  16. Hi Halimah,

    A surprise from you. Thank you very much.

    Vegetarian Restaurant or Vegetarian Eatery is never my dream, it does not suit me :)

    Take care too.

    Cheers : )

  17. Hiya!!!

    Wanna share this vegetarian burger joint with u all :) They are the first vegetarian burger join in Singapore and their burgers are good :) other than the burger dun miss out on the seaweed fries too!

    Best of all...there's this coupon sale going on where u only pay $10 for a $20 voucher and it is valid for 6 months :)

    But this offer ends tmr 12 noon! So better be quick!!! Click on the link below to check it out :)

  18. I hope you have more time for blogging, I know it's tough!

    I have my own cooking blog and I am having trouble updating too. Just letting you know I enjoyed stumbling upon it.

    Great finds and eats here!

  19. Hi Katie's Veg Cooking,

    Thank you very much and you have a beautiful blog :)

    Maybe when causes and conditions arises then maybe I will blog :)

    Guess, over the past few years, I have done what need to be done in this area, so I am happy with it.

    There many others blogging and sharing about vegetarian food/recipes, so we still have many good sources to go.

    Have a good weekend.

    Cheers :)

  20. My husband and I wish you well with your new endeavors, we trust they're going well! Just wanted to drop you a quick note to let you know how much we've enjoyed your recipes, many of them have earned a permanent place in our kitchen!

  21. Hi Jen,

    Thank you very much for your kind comment. I am grateful and happy to see this. I wish you well, happy, full of joy too.

    Yes, all is well. I am very grateful to all noble, kind and holy beings for my new endeavours.

    Very fulfilling and meaningful.

    Cheers : )

  22. you really have great recipes. I hope you continue your blog.

  23. Hey Easy Vegetarian Recipes,

    Thank you very much.

    Great that you are starting to blog about Vegetarianism. Good job.

    Cheers :)

  24. You have a very wonderful blog site. Keep it up! It is very full of information.

  25. Hi Crystal,

    Just popping by to revisit some of your recipes. Wishing you good health, great wealth and abundance joy!

  26. Hi Emily,

    Nice to see your comment. Thank you so much for your blessing.

    May you be well and happy too.

    Cheers :)

  27. Amazing.. I have become a vegan for sometime now .. here in thailand we can find alot of delicious veggie food. I am now very passionate about veggie recipes.

    Thank you

  28. Hi EasyVeggie,

    That's nice, great to hear this =) WOW! Have fun and enjoy playing with Veg*n recipes and food ...

    Cheers =)

  29. I made my first dish ever a few years back using your recipe! thanks so much for sharing all of them! have a great time doing what you need to do!!:)

    oh p.s. will this site still be up for reference?

  30. Hi Swetha,

    It is really so nice of you to drop a comment for me. Very touching. Thanks for your support.

    YES! =) this site will be active and here for everyone and anyone who want to refer to.

    Take care and have a lovely day.

    Cheers :)

  31. Hi,
    Nice blog. I am a SG residing permanently in Thailand. It is not easy to get vegetarian food here.

    I used to be a vegetarian and I was feeling very healthy then.

    With your recipes, I will take more vegetarian food since I can make them myself now.

    Thank you very much.

  32. Hi,

    Thank for the comment and happy that you like it.

    Have a great and wonderful stay in Thailand and enjoy your unique home cook vegetarian food =)

    Cheers =)

  33. It was really looking really is nothing to argue about. Keep posting stuff like this i really like it. thank you for sharing this recipe.
    Food Recipes

  34. Thank you very much Food Recips,

    Thanks for your lovely comment, it reminds me the pleasure and joy I have when creating, writing those recipes and snapping those photos ...


    I am gratefully, that this blog is still read by many and still meeting many new people around the world. It is so wonderful :)

    I delicate this joy, happiness and merits to ALL in the Universe :)

    Cheers, :)

  35. I love vegetarian food. Your blog is beautiful.

  36. Hi Norelle Hawkins,

    Thank you very much.

    I think it looks great too especially when I am in a great mood :)

    It is the great love from the universe that make this possible.

    Have a fabulous day.

    Cheers :)

  37. Wow, what a nice blog and what interesting recipe's! I'm inspired!
    For your inspiration and to empower others too you should this video of a Brasillian toddler Luiz Antonio discussing the habit of meat eating with his mother. The force of empathy is strong in this one! He almost becomes a poet when he starts reciting the names of animals and he literally brings his senstive mother to tears. Luiz Antonio - A argumentação para não comer polvo Click the translation button if you don't understand Portugese.

    Thank you so much for blogging veg food and food for thought I will come back here more often.


  38. Thank you so much, Jim for your kinds words and sharing.

    May the whole universe be filled with love, joy, peace and compassion!

    Cheers, :)
