Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Indian Mee Goreng

Indian Mee Goreng is the result of intermingling of food culture, using Chinese yellow noodles, Indians spices and western ingredients like tomatoes sauce and potatoes. In this recipe, I had left out the potatoes, you can add in prior to stir frying tomatoes, if desired. Alternatively, you might add green peas to make it more vibrant.

Preparation: 10 mins, Cooking time: 5 mins

Ingredients (serves 2)
° 200g hokkien mee, blanched
° 100g beanspouts, tailed
° 1 onion (optional), sliced
° 2 ripe tomatoes, sliced
° 1½ -2 tablespoons olive oil
° 1 tablespoon chilli powder
° ½ teaspoon curry powder
° 1½ teaspoon dark soy sauce
° 1½ -2 tablespoons tomatoes sauce
° 4 tablespoons water
° salt, to taste
° 1 fresh red or green chilli, sliced for garnish

1. Mix the chilli powder and curry powder with a tad of water to form a paste.
2. Heat oil in a wok or pot, fry the onion for half a minute or until fragrant. Stir in the chilli paste and keep stirring over low heat to prevent burning.
3. Add the tomato, beansprouts and stir fry over medium heat for 1 minute. Season with salt.
4. Throw in the noodle, add the dark soy sauce, tomatoes sauce and mix well. Add in water if need for easier tossing.
5. Dish up, garnish with green chilli and serve immediately.


  1. hey crystal....was curious why do u need dark soya sauce in this indian mee goreng?? don rmb the indian uncle put that?? i always recall what the hawker did and i follow or improvised...SF

  2. Hi SF
    Why? hmmm, for the flavour, like the fried mee and kway teow :)

    Somedays, i must go and see how the Indian Uncle do it.

