Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Satay Peanut Sauce

This is the vegetarian version of spicy peanut sauce, where shrimp paste is replaced by vegetarian belacan. Usually this recipe calls for shallots, however, in here it is omitted. This is a sauce that can be use for dipping Vegetarian Satay, whipping up Satay Beehoon and Gado Gado – Indonesian Vegetable Salad.

Preparation: 5 mins, Cooking time: 5 mins

Ingredients (makes 200g ±)

° 2 fresh red chilli, seeded and chopped
° 2 red chilli padi (optional), seeded and chopped
° 2 slices ginger, chopped
° 1 stalk lemon grass, peel off outer layers leaving tender whitish centre, cut out 7.5cm, chopped
° 2 candlenuts, chopped
° ½ teaspoons vegetarian belacan powder
° 1 tablespoon carotino oil or vegetable oil
° ½ teaspoon tamarind/assam paste, knead with 150ml water and strained
° ½ teaspoon salt, or to taste
° 2 tablespoons black sugar or palm sugar, or to taste
° 125g grounded peanut powder or finely crushed roasted peanut

1. Grind chilli, ginger, lemongrass and candlenut into fine spice paste. Stir in vegetarian belacan powder and set aside.
2. Heat oil in a pot or wok, fry the spice paste for 1 minute or until fragrant. Stir in tamarind liquid and bring to a boil.
3. Stir in the black sugar, salt, peanut powder and bring to a boil. If the sauce is too thick, add some water. To thicken the sauce, add a little bit more peanut powder. Set aside.


  1. hihi....can this satay peanut sauce used it for Satay bee hoon?? u know ahhh?? SF

  2. Hi

    Not sure whether to your liking or not. U might want to try a small amount and if it is too thick, then water it down a bit or omit the candlenut (which had thickener effect) :)

    Some satay sauce use coconut milk as one of the ingredients.

    Cheers :)
