Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Recipes from Other Sources

Abalone Mushroom Noodle / Lor Mee

Click here for the recipes : Vegetarian Recipes from Other Sources


  1. Could I have the Lor Mee recipe in English pls? Thanks

  2. Hi Sheela

    Give me some time, quite busy at the moment, i will do the translation and put in the comments :)

    Have a lovely week. : )

  3. The Lor Mee looks so good, I feel so tempted to try it...

  4. Sure would love it if the lor mee recipe in that page cud be translated. THanks

  5. Abalone Mushroom Noodle

    50g lettuce
    70g Bai Ling mushroom
    150g yellow noodle
    50g carrot
    10g rock sugar
    2 slices ginger

    Spices Ingredients:
    2 small slices Dang Gui
    10g star anise
    5g cinnamon
    5 white peppercorns

    1. Stir fry ginger and till fragrant, bring to a boil and add in the spices, carrot and rock sugar. Simmer for 1.5 hours. Add in seasoning to form the soup base.
    2. Cut Bai Ling mushroom into thin slices, add some soup and stream for 3 minutes.
    3. Blanch yellow noodle in boiling water. Add the soup base to the serving bowl and follow by the yellow noodle. Top with mushroom and lettuce. Add in some sesame oil and serve.

  6. Lor Mee

    30g Japanese fresh mushroom
    30g White shimeji mushroom
    30g fresh bamboo shoot
    10g black fungus
    15g gluten
    15g vegetarian ham
    1.5 vegetarian prawn
    150g flat yellow noodle

    Mix vegetables ingredient:
    20g Japanese cucumber shreds
    20g carrot shreds
    20g bean sprout

    7g star anise
    5g cardamom
    5g cinnamon
    3g peppercorns
    2片 bay leaves
    2g Chinese five-spice powder

    1. Stir fry spices and ginger paste till fragrant. Add in the rest of the ingredient – mushrooms, bamboo shoot, black fungus, gluten, vegetarian ham and vegetarian prawn and stir fry till fragrant.
    2. Used top quality light soy sauce and cook briskly. Add in water and bring to a boil. Add seasoning and thicken with corn starch. Add in sesame oil.
    3. Blanch carrot and bean sprout in boiling water. Blanch noodle in boiling water. Add soup to noodle, top with cucumber, carrot and bean sprout shreds, and serve.

  7. Hi Crystal,
    They changed menu again bf I can post their 2 noodle delicacies.
    Is the English translation of "碱水面" = normal Yellow noodles we find at mee stalls? I liked one of their new noodles but it does not tasted exactly like normal yellow noodles.
    See my latest post on some of their new menu dishes: when you are available.

  8. Hi sunny,

    I haven't taste that yet. Yes, yes, 碱水面 is the yellow cooked noodle we get from wetmarket mee stall and from supermarket.

    Maybe they used lai mian.

    I am looking for Japanese lai mian, but can't find in veg. stall. My boy likes it so much when we were in Japan many years back. cheers :)
