Monday, June 30, 2008

Simple Mayo Corn

Simple and easy plus tasty. The secret to sweet and delicious mayonnaise is to use fresh corn on the cob.
Preparation: 2 mins, Cooking time: 10 mins

Ingredients (serves 2)
° 2 ears corn on the cob, cut or peeled kernels off the cob
° 2 tablespoons vegan mayonnaise or vegetarian salad cream, to taste

1. Put the corn kernels in a heatproof serving plate and steam for 8-10 minutes.
2. Remove from streamer and leave to cool.
3. Mix well with mayonnaise and serve or serve chilled.


  1. May i know where to buy vegan mayo or vegan salad cream?

  2. Hi Anonymous

    Sorry for the late reply, busy with something else.

    Vegetarian Salad Cream (is vegan too) is Xu Xian Zi Brand, 99% of the vegetarian shops/stalls carry stock.

    Vegan mayo, you can find them in some supermarket like Fairprice/Coldstorage likely to be with the organic stuff. There was one, which i can'tremember the name and haven't try that yet. Some feedback not that nice.

    Some Organic Eateries selling some vegetarian/vegan stuff, you might be able to get it there too.

    Cheers :)
