Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Seaweed & Cucumber Sandwich

In fact, I wanted to make a sushi bread roll but end up having a Seaweed & Cucumber Sandwich! Oh, the sandwich bread I have is just too thick and small to roll nicely. I shall get the right type of bread next round. My seaweed and cucumber sandwich was so delicious that I could not stop eating.

Preparation: 5 mins

Ingredients (serves 1)
° 2 slices breads
° vegan mayonnaise or vegetarian salad cream, for spread
° 2 slices cucumbers
° ¼ sheet nori
° some toasted sesame seeds (optional)


1. Place 1 quarter sheet nori on one slice of bread.
2. Evenly spread vegan mayonnaise or vegetarian salad cream on the nori.
3. Place the cucumber slices over the nori and sprinkle with some sesame seeds.
4. Place the second slice of bread and complete the sandwich.
5. Slice the sandwich diagonally and use sandwich toothpicks to hold the sandwich halves together.


  1. Simple, elegant & beautiful.
    I would definitely want to try
    this recipe!

  2. I like eating cucumber with tuna, I never thought of adding seaweed, maybe I should next time.

  3. Oh I love eating fresh cucumbers but not cooked ones. I recently ate a claypot of mixed veggies which includes cucumber and it was so yucky!! Will post that pic soon.. haha..

    Btw, i have updated my blog with lots of posts ystd.. haha.. after reading your reply to my comments in ur birds nest recipe post.
