Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Matcha Power Fries

Haha! After trying out with the crispy healthy curry shoestring fries, felt like creating a totally different taste of fries for kids that does not eat spicy food. Matcha Powder!  

Mixing the matcha powder (green tea powder) and oil with the fries, instead of deep-frying, just threw them into the oven toaster. The end result is fries in an interesting shade of green. Any dipping sauce, again anything you desire. To go with the greeny theme, add wasabi to the salad cream or mayo, if it is not served to kid.

In fact, to make French Fries more colourful and exciting, mix or serves 3 different types of Fries, Original(yellow in colour), Matcha Fries (green in colour) and Curry Fries (red/orange in colour) in a plate!

Preparation: 3 mins Cooking time: 15 mins

Ingredients (serves 1)
 100g fries
 ½ teaspoon matcha powder/green tea powder
 1 teaspoon oil
 salt to taste
 Few basil leaves or curry leaves (optional), deep-fried

1. Combine the fries and matcha powder in a bowl and mix well.
2. Drizzle the oil over the fries and mix well.
3. Place the fries in the over toaster and toast for 15 minutes or till crispy.
4. Sprinkle some salt, garnish with fried basil leaves and serve immediately.

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