Thursday, September 17, 2009

Mini Tofu Balls

This is not a new recipe, I just use the old recipe created in Mar 07  - Crispy Tofu Balls.

Explore old recipe … Experiment with a new presentation … Exchange ideas … new appealing dishes Evolved ... So, just be daring and start enjoying the fun.

By serving this cutie mini tofu ball wrapped in lettuce leaves, it becomes a finger food and a perfect item for parties! It gives a light and healthy appeal. A homemade special dipping sauce which can be as simple as spicy mayo sauce or mixing tomatoes and chilli sauce or change around the sauces, mixing and matching, would add a new twist to it.  Replace lettuce leaves with few julienned carrot, green mango and alfalfa, then team with green mango salad sauce, if desired.

This little cuties tofu ball can be served with Tomatoes and Herbs Sauce Spaghetti with Tomatoes and Herbs Sauce

Or add few of these tofu balls to the Spaghetti with Tomatoes Sauce Spaghetti with Tomatoes Sauce, to make a more complete meal.

Is Veg*n Food is bland and boring? Nay! We can even re-invent those Traditional Veg*n Food and make it New Style Vegetarian Cuisine.

p.s. A little secret! In fact, I didn’t purposely re-do these tofu balls, it was some left over when I used them for creating the Tofu Cabbage Roll … then I started playing with the lettuce leaves and homemade pasta tomatoes sauce I have in the kitchen with these deep-fried tofu balls …


  1. I just made some Crispy Tofu Balls using your recipe just now and my mum said it tasted great :)

    Did not add any vegetarian ham as I do not like eating mock meat :x I added some spring onions, chinese parsley and chopped cabbage to give it more flavour though :)

  2. Hi Rachel

    Thanks for letting me know, you make my day :)

    Usually, i will omit vegetarian ham too. Cabbage is a good idea, compare to using water chest or yam bean which required more work.

    Will try adding cabbage next time when I make some. Thanks for sharing.

    cheers :)

  3. looks so lovely and tasty but no time to try cookig...

  4. Veggie Bun

    You are right! Sometime, cooking can be real tiring and time consuming …

    Never mind, you are in Veg*n Food Paradise, so maybe, some vegetarian stalls sells this …

    It is not difficult for vegetarian stalls that have wonton dishes if they are using tofu as the main ingredients for wonton, to have this is very simple …

    It can be a snack on a skewer where people can eat as they “jalan jalan”. Talking about this, Apa Rojak (non-veg) created a new twist – Shake Shake Rojak, where the ingredients are put into a plastic cup, add the sauce, cover it and shake shake it – eat as you walk … Sound fun and interesting. Oh, they have vegetarian rojak for veg*n. And Statysfaction has come up with a new mushroom satay!

    Cheers :)
